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    德国SOMMER-AUTOMATIC旋转抓手 德国进口抓手

    德国SOMMER-AUTOMATIC旋转抓手 德国进口抓手

    简要描述:德国SOMMER-AUTOMATIC旋转抓手 德国进口抓手
    德国SOMMER-AUTOMATIC自动机械公司所生产的高精密气动执行元件,是各种类型机械手气缸的*品牌。SOMMER气动执行元件质量得到业界的*认可,选用此品牌的气动元件,可大大降低设备的故障发生率 。德国SOMMER是专业机械手生产厂家,性能稳定,获得用户广泛欢迎,同时为客户解决方案。


    所属分类:德国SOMMER-AUTOMATIC 平行抓手 德国夹盘 德国进口夹盘



    德国SOMMER-AUTOMATIC旋转抓手 德国进口抓手

    德国Sommer-automatic公司 1979年开始建厂于南德田园风光的Ettlingen城,位于卡尔斯鲁尔技术开发区的中心。SOMMER德国专业机械手生产厂家,性能稳定,高性价比获得用户广泛欢迎,同时为客户提供解决方案。德国SOMMER-AUTOMATIC自动机械公司成立于1972年,经过30多年的发展所生产的高精密气动执行元件,是各种类型机械手气缸的*品牌。SOMMER气动执行元件质量得到业界的*认可,选用此品牌的气动元件,可大大降低设备的故障发生率 。德国SOMMER是专业机械手生产厂家,性能稳定,获得用户广泛欢迎,同时为客户解决方案。SOMMER气动执行机构大量应用于流水线机械转换,主要在汽车制造、食品医药、光盘生产、钢铁行业、电子。

    Series DGP400 - 2-Jaw Parallel Rotary Grippers
    Rotation angle 90° or 180° individually adjustable
    Double acting pneumatic cylinder

    Series DGK - 2-Jaw Angular Rotary Grippers
    Magnetic field sensors for sensing of the piston position
    Double acting pneumatic cylinder

    Product Information:
    High flexibility due to a continously adjustable swivel angle from 90° (-3°) to 180° (+3°)
    Torque up to 1.2 Nm
    High efficiency as a result of optimal direction change of driving power into torque
    Ground functional parts made of hardened steel ensure precision and a long durability
    Two way ball bearings to assure large absorption of force and torque
    Position sensing, energy supply, fixing and positioning fully integrated
    Integrated positive stop for high repeatability
    Maintenance free up to 10 million cycles

    Product Information:
    Force transfer via toothed belt
    Optimum steering of drive force in torque
    Two way ball bearings for high torque intake
    Individual workpiece intakes, direct screwing on drive flange via hexagon or round shaft with feather key
    Maintenance free up to 10 million cycles

    Product Information:
    Force transfer via toothed belt
    Optimum steering of drive force in torque
    Two way ball bearings for high torque intake
    Individual workpiece intakes, direct screwing on drive flange via hexagon or round shaft with feather key
    Maintenance free up to 10 million cycles
    德国SOMMER-AUTOMATIC旋转抓手 德国进口抓手
    Product Information:
    High torque up to 7.2 Nm
    Positive force transfer by means of a keyed shaft
    With the supplied mechanical limit stop, the swivel angle is adjustable up to 360°
    Maintenance free up to 1.5 million cycles


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